Tuesday, January 13, 2009

day 7...

My sweet E is all about the Wii he bought himself for his birthday. He worked so hard to save up all he could in order to buy it 2nd hand from a friend of mine. He got an "allowance" from my mom each week for getting his homework done and for helping me around the house. He saved every penny of his birthday money. Finally he was able to buy it :D. He only had one game for it (the one that came with it) but just knowing that he had worked for it himself makes it his pride and joy! After Christmas, I was able to get a couple pre-used games from Blockbuster for like 13 dollars for 2! Anyway, he loves his Wii so much...probably only 2nd to his love of Christ and his love of his family (and the 2nd one is a very close 2nd ;) lol). For Christmas this year my mom bought him this shirt that I think is just too cute! It is kinda hard to see but it is a Christ Wii figure :D with the words "Hii Saved Me" :D He loves this shirt and wears it all the time :) I have to admit, I would wear it all the time too if I had one!

1 comment:

  1. That shirt is so cute! I love my Wii and it is a ton of fun. I just wish I had some more energy right now to play it... oh well, maybe in a couple of weeks.


:) C'mon, ya know ya wanna leave me a bit of love!
We don't have to agree with one another but rudeness and meanness will not be tolerated...
Ephesians 4:29