Tuesday, January 13, 2009

day 13...

Who ever knew that The Tales of Peter Rabbit could be such an intense little story?! Middle E won a prize out of the treasure box at school for accomplishing top score on a quiz at school and he picked out a dvd for Li'l T :) It is naptime and she asked if she could watch it before she had to go to sleep, so I gave in.....She has chewed her nails, sat up with the blanket covering one eye, and exclaimed "oh no!" at several different parts (like when Mr. McGregor nearly caught Peter in his basket).I was giving her a hard time about it and she just turned her head and flashed a cute grin before going back to her intense story line :D Is it any wonder I love this li'l stinker so much?


  1. What a little beauty! Wonderful pics!

  2. wonderful story and love the photos, she has such a cute smile, lovely.

  3. That's a great prize and so sweet he gave it to his sister. :)

  4. Lovely shot - what gorgeous eyes.

  5. What a gorgeous little girl you have, those eyes, just beautiful!
    Great photos, I have just had a look at them all!
    Cu tomorrow

  6. What wonderful photo's of your pretty little daughter - such a lovely smile and does she ever look cute in that hot pink. Love your journaling, too, will make a great layout!

    Thank you so much for your comments on my blog - have a great day!

  7. And she is a cutie to boot...lovely shots!


:) C'mon, ya know ya wanna leave me a bit of love!
We don't have to agree with one another but rudeness and meanness will not be tolerated...
Ephesians 4:29