Saturday, January 24, 2009

day 21...

The photo that wasn' oh well 1 miss out of 21 days isn't too bad is it?
my "photo" for today reads:
Rush rush rush rush...get the house clean get the kids off the bus get the garbage out wait for sis to come pick up her kids and mine haul butt to get to the clinic, rush rush rush...get to the clinic sign in wait wait wait...go back, get weighed in gained 20 lbs fight back tears find out blood pressure is up nurse messes up testing my glucose go back out wait wait wait wait some more go back to see doc have most meds doubled others upped oh yeah and add an antidepressant go back and wait for prescriptions to be written out...rush rush rush to pharmacy wait wait wait wait some more again for them to be filled check still not filled finally filled but missing main med...rush rush rush to get to sis' to get kids rush rush rush to get home rush rush rush for bedtime...oops i forgot to take a pic...
I have to go to the clinic once a month until we can get my bgl in check and until I can lose a bunch of weight...sigh

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:) C'mon, ya know ya wanna leave me a bit of love!
We don't have to agree with one another but rudeness and meanness will not be tolerated...
Ephesians 4:29