Wednesday, January 28, 2009

day 26...

Honestly, I did take a photo for day 26...a photo of Li'l T's "Curious George" pajamas that are actually sock monkey wasn't a very good photo, kinda overexposed and just crappy. I wasn't feeling so hot so I took a nap and Li'l T took one with me...She obviously woke up before I did because when I went to take my photo for day 27 there were about 15 extra pics on my first pic was a GREAT pic of her jammie foot (more the shot I was trying to get but I didn't take it)....Then the telling photos....
One was of me sleeping....a couple of various parts of Li'l T's bedroom...a shot of the top of Li'l T's head....and a couple "self portraits" of the camera this one you can tell she is technically Li'l T provided the pics for day 26 :)...not bad for a 4 yr old lol

**her eye doesn't always look like that, only when she has a cold or allergies**

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:) C'mon, ya know ya wanna leave me a bit of love!
We don't have to agree with one another but rudeness and meanness will not be tolerated...
Ephesians 4:29