I am having to play a bit of catch up since I have not been blogging these as I have taken them, but here we go! Sometimes I will use prompts found at The Scrap Orchard, sometimes I might pick up prompts from other participants, and sometimes it will be just glimpses of the quirks and oddities that make up my quaint li'l life with God, my family & my friends :)
Some days I may become a total rebel and post more than ONE pic! Which would make it a 389 or a 675 or a 928...but for now, let's just try to get day one posted....
So here we go....day one....
This is my sweet stubborn silly sometimes stinky 10 yr old. I think the reason I picked this one to represent him is that contrast. He is a walking talking contrast. We often see more of his light carefree side, but he definitely has a less light, less upbeat side. His feelings are so easily wounded and his battle cry is often "I don't KNOW!" (whether it is when asked why he didn't finish a task or why he was mean to his siblings, he never knows why...ever). Yet within minutes he is helping his little sister with a game or is snuggling up next to his older brother. He is the type of kid who will turn his nose up and swear he doesn't like a food, only to minutes later ask for 2nds....sigh
The one thing he is unwavering on though is his faith and his desire to learn more about what the Bible says and how God works in our lives. He is unashamed of all things he believes about God and Jesus Christ.
He is the epitome of the strong-willed child, yet he is also a rock in this family. You can always count on him to love you regardless and pray with you whenever you need it. He is a sweet kid with a big heart and an unmoving faith in our Lord. He is a friend in need and a friend indeed. He is simply mine...and I love that about him :)
And yes, I came back to edit this when I saw this pic in my Jan 1st group of photos of him. It reminded me of a quote I saw a year or so ago "It used to be that I could look at you and see traces of the baby you once were. Now I look at you and instead catch glimpses of the Man you will become..." When I see a pic like this of him I definitely see glimpses of the man (or at least teenager) he will be.
Glad you finally decided to start posting these! Beautiful as usual!