Saturday, January 3, 2015

Has it Really Been 6 Years?!

*phhhh* cough cough cough

Blowing the dust off of an old blog ;).

New year, new Project 365 and this year Project 52!
My first couple of entries, and most likely many after, will be boring and mundane, but so is day to day life a lot of the time.  Now don't get me wrong, I love my life.  I love being a wife.  I love being a mom.  I love my dogs, cats, chickens, garden, home, family, friends, and esp my faith, but I suffer from wanderlust.  I want to go and see and do, but I am also a homebody who wants to do all that without leaving the safety of my little acre of land.  I want to discover new worlds right here in my current one, but the process is just that, a process, so my first 2 days were just clicking a pic of something I want to change and something that has changed with the coming of 2015...

day 1...{Jan 1, 2015}

A place for everything?!....

Something I WILL be changing is the state of my craft room.  It has been a hot mess since the Christmas season started.  I had it completely cleaned out and organized before Thanksgiving and it needs to be back to it.  Not pretty, but a part if my day to day the way, this is how my brain feels now that Christmas and New Year are so recently over...

day 2...{Jan. 2, 2015}

The family table...

Something that has changed with the new year is how we break bread.  Growing up, my family always sat at the table for meals, especially for supper.  It was a time and place to unwind, unload, fill your belly and your heart after a long day.  No one left the table until everyone was done, and everyone had a chance to share their thoughts or experiences of the day.
This photo was meant to be just a picture of the table set for supper on a boring Friday night, but it really speaks volumes to how things have changed in our home.  Several years ago, we ate at the table every night, but slowly slacked off and began eating in front of the t.v., disconnected, vegging out, so I decided that especially since Middle E is 16 now and Li'l T is 10, connection is IMPERATIVE.  This pic is an accomplishment, but it is also a little sad.  There are only 3 plates because L-dest is now living 4 hours away and Hubba works 11 hour days and doesn't get home until well past a decent supper time most nights.  I miss the days of everyone trying to squish around our little table in our tiny kitchen.  The raucous of everyone trying to talk at once, the laughter, and even the "are you serious?!" glares I sometimes had to give across the table.  We still have laughed the last 2 nights, and we still have to squish a little just because our kitchen is small, but I still miss the extra 2 place settings.  I might take a cue from the Amish and set a place for L-dest just so he will see he always has a place at our table. <3

day 3...{Jan. 3, 2015}

She-man Annoyance Haters (if you ever watched the movie The Little Rascals from the 90s you will probably understand that), I don't hate my husband, kids, or pets...

There are days I just want to hide in my desk-fort and not deal with anyone or anything.  Days when I don't want to have to pick pet hair off of my clothes (or socks); days when I don't want to break up any arguments or "come see!" the millionth StampyLongnose tribute on a 10 yr old's Minecraft game; days when I don't want to "have me back up to the school by 5" or "sign this permission slip"; days when I don't want to clean or cook or even be present.  These days are VERY few and VERY far between and even when I have them I don't stop doing the things that bring joy to my heart in the long run.
When I was younger (young enough to still be living with my grandparents, then with my parents), I used to LOVE to find little nooks of the house to hide away in.  I would stuff them with pillows and blankets and usually a lamp or at very least a flashlight.  I would smuggle away books and my stuffed animals with me.   If said place had a door, I would always shut it, if it didn't, I would hang blankets or bed sheets or even an old table cloth to serve as an impenetrable shield between me and anything I didn't want to see, hear, or experience for a while.  Often times it was under the bed or in my playhouse (when I was very young) or in a closet or attic space as I got older, but it was always someplace that for the time being was mine and mine alone.  Now days it is my garden, but alas, this time of year that is not very pleasant.  Sometimes I wish I had a little nook like I would make when I was a kid.  Might have to think on that one...maybe a "tiny house" in the back yard?!

Hopefully I will make it further than day 59 this year (that is the farthest I have ever made it)...we shall see!  Feel free to link up to your personal blogging/photo projects for the year!

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:) C'mon, ya know ya wanna leave me a bit of love!
We don't have to agree with one another but rudeness and meanness will not be tolerated...
Ephesians 4:29